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Although the polygraph remains controversial, and sites such
as provide
useful information against its use, it has become accepted widely accepted
in the media for settling disputes, as well as by national security agencies
like the FBI. More relevant for individuals, however, is the use of the
polygraph in criminal and civil cases. Since 1982 I have appeared in criminal
and civil courts, always against the polygraph, and have been generally
successful in persuading the court or arbitrating body that the polygraph
is merely a prop for interrogation, and adds no valid additional scientifically-based
information concerning guilt or innocence.
With the advent of video conferencing (my last important
case was conducted with me in Toronto and the court in Perth, Australia:
for judgment, see: Papers/ld/Mallardverdictpol.doc.),
I can provide help against the polygraph without the additional expense
of having to travel from Sydney.